School activity flyers
In September 2019, Mounds View Public Schools began using Peachjar to manage and distribute flyers to District families. Community partners wishing to distribute flyers to our schools should view the Community Partners information.
With Peachjar, parents/guardians are notified via email when flyers are posted each week. Flyers can be accessed through the email link or by visiting the eflyers page on each school’s website:
Middle Schools
High Schools
While the majority of flyers students received in the past are now available electronically through Peachjar, select materials—such as picture day order forms and event permission slips—may still be provided in paper format.
With an easy-to-use interface and the ability to filter content by topic, Peachjar offers families a more convenient way to view flyers—and reduces the amount of paper families receive.
Parents/guardians who wish to subscribe to Peachjar with an additional email address, or staff members and others who wish to receive school and community flyers, can sign up online.
For more information, please contact our Community Education department.
Community Partners Information
Mounds View Public Schools values community relationships and therefore supports community organizations that sponsor activities of an educational/enrichment nature. This e-flyer distribution site is part of our go-green initiative that enables us to be more environmentally friendly, embrace innovative technology and maintain fiscal responsibility by moving from paper to digital flyer delivery. E-flyers are emailed directly to parents' inboxes as well as posted online for easy access. Just click on the Peachjar icon that is on all school websites. Paper flyers from outside organizations are no longer distributed.
- Community Partners Information
- How to use Peachjar
- For a flyer to be approved, projects, activities or programs:
- Flyers will be denied for projects, activities or programs: